Gulls at Anza

April 05, 2014  •  Leave a Comment

I can quite honestly say that Anza, a fishing port just north of Agadir, is a place that is truly disgusting. That I didn't die from a variety of horrible diseases is pretty miraculous. There are a couple of fish processing plants that have run-offs into the sea, with a bit of raw sewage thrown in for good measure. These are fabulously attractive to birds, especially Gulls. Yuck! 

However it was another good opportunity to practice both flight photography and the exposure of whites, both things that I wish I could do better. Also a good opportunity to try out flight photography in vertical format which means less chance of clipping the wings when a bird banks. The Gulls were 90% Lesser Black-backed, 10% Yellow Legged, and 100% scabby! If you do want a place with heaps of Yellow Legs guaranteed, you could do worse than go here, but you need to get there early before the light becomes very harsh, but also the factory needs to start up, so in reality you do not have a lot of time at your disposal. The biggest issue was targeting a single bird and remaining with it and getting a clear shot, as there are so many other birds swirling round that they get in front, they end up in the frame, they obscure the target and throw the AF......All good fun. I can still smell the place today!



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