came across this fairly confiding Spotted Flycatcher on the track above Quendale Mill on Shetland. It seemed to want to remain very close to a ruined building, and was working the fence line on either side of it. It never allowed a point blank approach, and if I didn't move neither did it, so I had to inch my way up and down. I probably spent about an hour with this bird, and whenever it reached a point on the fence it judged to be too far away from the building, it would simply fly around me and start at the other side again. The light was excellent, quite unusual for Shetland, so I was able to use some decent shutter speeds which ensured sharp pictures. My favourites are the ones that are slightly against the light, causing a small amount of backlighting. I could have stayed for another hour, but the guys I was with are not as obsessed as I am. All photos were taken with my 800mm f5.6 lens and the Canon 1D Mark IV body. A couple of them also had the 1.4x converter in place - can you tell which ones though? I reckon I can on all but one!